Dear Reader,
I've decided to spice up the page with a little insight to what makes us tick as a company, our priorities and our ethics. Bazaar Game Trading began in the late winter of 2011, and initially began as an eBay store. I decided to start a business dealing in video games after working for a wealthy company who sold nearly everything online.
My responsibility in the company was to begin a video game liquidation department, which I ran for a majority of my time at the company. After a while, the unethical business practices I was asked to engage in would pile up. I would repair Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 controllers regularly, and soon I discovered that a majority of their controllers they were having me process and sell as authentic original manufacture models, were in fact counterfeit product from China. After bringing this to authorities attention, I was told to continue as usual. These questionable ethical practices among others lead me to believe I could serve customers better on my own, and with integrity and genuine passion for the medium.
Soon after leaving the company, I began selling my personal collection on ebay one by one to learn how to sell, as I had no previous education or training in business or sales. While trying to figure out the next steps to secure a location, I would visit other stores that might sell retro games incidentally to learn from them. I stumbled on a comic store (Command D in Dracut, Ma), and after seeing he had some games well below market value, I alerted him to this fact and offered to run his video game section for him. He saw faith in me and allowed me to rent a bookshelf worth of space for $200 a month. This is how Bazaar Game Trading's physical presence started. I would work a full time job delivering car parts 9-5 and would drive 40 minutes through rush hour from burlington to lowell just to be there from 6-7 (when the comic store closed, I had to leave) I did this for a year before I was able to build our reputation and brand enough to clean out the abandoned bakery next door and open our doors for a dedicated store.
We spent 4 years at that location, and they were the best 4 years of my life. We met so many wonderful families and the community felt like a big family. We moved onto a bigger location in Tyngsboro in 2018. After 6 years and through the pandemic, we've moved our location to Nashua NH where we are still getting settled. We hope you continue being a part of our story as we continue to grow and expand.
I also want to say thank you, and express how much we appreciate you as our customer shopping with our store. It's how my family puts food on the table, and it means the world to us to be able to help you and give you a great experience. If you'd like to support us because you've had a great experience, reviewing our business on google, facebook, and yelp really help us out a lot.
Michelle Shay